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Tripawds Planned Giving Helps Amputee Pets for a Lifetime

hannah and sallyThe Tripawds planned giving program ensures that amputee pets and their people will receive the help and support they need now, and in the future. Generous, forward-thinking partners like you are helping us do it!

Through planned giving, your Loving Legacy provides critical resources people need to care for their amputee pets. Planned giving helps Tripawds before surgery, during recovery, and throughout a happy, healthy life on three legs.

The Tripawds Foundation simply could not exist without charitable investments like those discussed below.

With your thoughtful planned giving arrangements, Tripawds Foundation can continue providing free resources and assistance programs worried pet parents need – forever.

How Your Loving Legacy Helps Tripawds Everywhere

Since 2014, the Tripawds Foundation has partnered with caring people like you. Together, we ensure three legged pets and their people get the help and support they need.

  • loving legacyAmputation Surgery Assistance Program
  • The Maggie Moo Fund for Tripawd Rehab
  • Toll-Free Helpline
  • Tripawds Gear Fund
  • Tripawds Rescue Fund
  • Kaisern Cancer Care Packages
  • Vet Client Education Materials
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  • View All Programs

How to be a Loving Legacy Partner for Tripawds Everywhere

Want a meaningful, powerful way to create your personal Loving Legacy? Include the Tripawds Foundation in your long-term charitable planning! When you establish a Tripawds planned giving fund or legacy gift, you can feel confident knowing that it will directly help people coping with amputation for their beloved dogs and cats.

Anyone can make a Tripawds planned giving donation! The process is easy.

  • Include Tripawds Foundation in your will or trust with only a few sentences.
  • Add Tripawds Foundation as a beneficiary for your retirement or insurance plans.

Designating Tripawds Foundation as a beneficiary usually costs nothing during your lifetime. If your circumstances change, it’s easily revoked.

Sample Loving Legacy Language

Your financial advisor or attorney can work with you to include Tripawds Foundation in your will or trust. We suggest sharing the appropriate sample language below with you advisor. Common bequest options include:

States a specific dollar amount, or percentage of your estate is left to Tripawds Foundation:
I give, devise and bequeath ____% of my estate (or specific assets) for the benefit of TRIPAWDS FOUNDATION, 240 Rainbow Dr. #14065, Livingston TX 77399, FEIN 46-4636797, to be used for its general purposes.

Made when you intend to leave the residue portion of your assets (your residual estate) after other terms of the will have been satisfied:
All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, I give to TRIPAWDS FOUNDATION, 240 Rainbow Dr. #14065, Livingston TX 77399, FEIN 46-4636797, for its general purposes.

Allows you to leave a portion of your estate to Tripawds Foundation if your named beneficiary does not survive you:
If [beneficiary name] does not survive me, I devise and bequeath my residuary estate to TRIPAWDS FOUNDATION, 240 Rainbow Dr. #14065, Livingston TX 77399, FEIN 46-4636797, for its general purposes.

Allows you to designate how your gift to the Tripawds Foundation will be used, such as to name an endowment or to support a specific purpose (i.e., ASAP, Rehab, or Rescue Fund):
Sample language can vary greatly depending on the bequest. Please consult with your advisor.

Thank You for Your Support!

Note: If you’ve already decided to include us in your plans, thank you very much! Please let us know and tell us if you would like us to publicly acknowledge how you are helping Tripawds everywhere.


Tripawds Foundation Planned Giving FAQs

What is your Tax ID Number?
Tripawds Foundation FEIN: #46-4636797

What address should I use in my estate planning documents?
Tripawds Foundation
240 Rainbow Dr. #14065
Livingston, TX 77399

What types of assets may I donate in my planned gift?
We graciously accept cash disbursements from wills and trusts, IRAs, and life insurance policies.

How will my bequest be used?
All unrestricted gifts received through planned giving are placed into our general fund. This ensures that the various helpful resources and assistance programs we offer are safeguarded for the future. Over time, these funds will help us continue our mission to help amputee pets and their people everywhere.

How can I create a named endowment?
There are various opportunities to name Tripawds assistance programs in honor of individuals or families who wish to leave a significant balance of their estate to the Tripawds Foundation for a specific purpose. Ideas for funding new programs are also welcome. All programs have distinct purposes and funding needs. Please email us or call 1-844-TRIPAWD to discuss your specific goals.

legacy fundraiserStart A Legacy Fundraiser

Another simple way to create your Loving Legacy is to start a Legacy Fundraiser honoring your three-legged hero or angel. For a nominal fee, we’ll establish a forever fundraising campaign you can share with everyone you know!

You’ll receive a personalized fundraising page. As an example, see: Champ’s Legacy

A Legacy Fundraiser helps maintain our programs in the name of your beloved Tripawd – or family member. Proceeds support the foundation’s general fund.

Other Ways You Can Help

In addition to a Tripawds planned giving program, individual charitable contributions of any amount are always welcome. All donations receive a tribute on the Tripawds Honor Roll. Short term specific program sponsorships and custom partnerships are also available. Below are just a few, view all.

Tripawds Foundation is brought to you by Tripawds.