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First Free Harness Goes to Ivar

Gear Fund Harness #1: Jason and Ivar

The very first harness donated by the Tripawds Gear Fund went to Jason, a disabled veteran whose dog Ivar has always been terrified of stairs.

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Free Ruffwear harness helps Tripawd Elkhound Ivar up and down stairs.

My Ivar was chosen to receive a free Ruffwear harness on March first.  We received it yesterday so I put it on him so he could learn to get used to it as this is the first harness he has worn and I wanted to wait until he was almost two to get one as they can be pricey and Norwegian Elkhounds can grow very fast.

Ivar tries on his new Ruffwear harness.

It took him a bit to get used to it and we went out in it once he was comfortable enough.


I have spent his life carrying him up and down stairs but last night I set him down with four stairs to go till we hit the ground.  He was very skeptical but with the perfect hook placement and the handle I was quickly able to help him retain some confidence and he went on down. On our way up I decided to try a third of the stairs and again he was timid but once he felt me grab the handle he slowly went up.

I have never seen a harness so well designed and perfect for my Ivar. Thank you so much for choosing him.  I am attaching several pictures of him last night after we put it on and as he got use to it.


I am also attaching one from this morning where once I put it on he knew we were going outside he jumps up into the recliner to let me know it was time to go out. He really seems to like the vest as well.  I went to take it off when we got home and he acted none to happy about it.

He is currently under the couch sleeping in his vest which proves it must be comfortable for extended wear as advertised.  Thank you again for the harness.


Ivar and his primary food guy Jason

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4 thoughts on “First Free Harness Goes to Ivar”

  1. Oh Ivar, you look stunning in your new harness!!! Of course, as handsome as you are, of course you look stunning!! And red is your color!!

    It’s just wonderful to hear how much the harness has helpeded him gain so much confidence, especially in stairs! And it has to help your back too!! 🙂

    Tha ks for sharing your story AND great pictures of a great dog!! He’s clearly very @oved!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  2. Yay! You look great in red too.

    Just one question, did Ivar ever learn how to go down stairs as a puppy? Did he ever have a fall prior to amputation?


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