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Get Help Paying for Limb Amputation Surgery with Tripawds ASAP

The Tripawds Amputation Surgery Assistance Program (ASAP) is available for people in need of help paying for limb amputation surgery for pets. The ASAP veterinary financial aid grants help pay veterinary expenses related to a leg amputation for dogs and cats.

This program is currently sponsored in honor of Sessy.

Support the ASAP fund to help more Tripawds!

What is Tripawds ASAP?

The ASAP fund is a veterinary financial assistance program of the Tripawds Foundation. These grants are only made possible with donors’ help.

Our goal is to help financially distressed individuals with the unexpected financial burden of limb amputation surgery for a dog or cat.

We understand that an unexpected, major veterinary surgery like amputation can create financial hardship for families. For those with limited financial means, these costs can often be out of reach. An inability to pay may mean the premature death of a beloved family pet.

Up to three Tripawds ASAP grants are awarded each month on a first-come, first-served basis.

Availability is subject to funding. Please help keep this program going!


Three Legged Golden Zeus
Zeus recovering from amputation surgery.

Vet Bill Assistance Program Overview

The Tripawds Foundation understands that in the most cases $1000 will not fully cover leg amputation surgery vet bills. Tripawds ASAP funds help as many people as possible with at least some sort of compensation.

Here are other financial aid resources to apply for additional funds from other organizations.

Little Man Cat Amputation Recovery
Little Man on the mend.

ASAP grants are available thanks to the generous support of donors who believe every amputee cat or dog deserves a fighting chance to thrive on three legs.

Want to apply? Please review this entire page very carefully before submitting your application!

You do not need to register as a member. We encourage all applicants to participate in the Tripawds community to get and share the best amputation recovery and care tips.

Who Can Get Help Paying for Amputation Surgery?

  • Only available for limb amputation surgery for dogs or cats.
  • Limited to pet parents living in the United States or Canada*.
  • Only an individual person who is legally responsible for the pet may apply.
  • Applicants must not have received funds from any other Tripawds Foundation programs within the past 90 days. This includes organizations applying on behalf of an individual pet parent.

How Much Assistance is Offered?

  • Three individual grants of up to $1000 USD each are available each month. (Terms and availability subject to change without notice).
  • Recipients will be selected based solely on financial need, with required proof of income qualification. See below for details.

When Can I Apply for Help?

  • Applications are reviewed on a first come, first served basis.
  • The application must be received within 60 days of the surgery date.
  • You may apply before surgery, but if you are approved, we will only pay your vet directly.
  • Recipients will be notified by email.

How are Grant Funds Given?

  • ASAP funds are gifted as either:
    • A reimbursement payment after surgery to the qualified applicant, or to the veterinary clinic if applicant is on a payment plan.
    • OR we can send funds directly to your vet immediately after surgery.
  • We will let the vet know an applicant qualifies for help, and pay the vet clinic after surgery. We do not cover credit card processing fees.
  • Payment method for individuals is via check (if US resident), or Paypal (if Canadian resident).

What Else Do I Need to Know to Get Amputation Assistance Help?

  • Applicants must submit a short narrative of at least 250 words and photos about their pet’s diagnosis and/or amputation recovery and care experience. Narrative will be published on the Tripawds website.
  • You must include links to any crowdfunding efforts (e.g.; raising funds for the pet must be provided when applicable. NOTE: If funds have been raised to cover surgery expense at time of documentation review, application will be disqualified

*For Canadian Residents Only

  • Canadian income requirements will be based on currently available LICO statistics for your area. Please be sure to provide regional population numbers.
  • Canadian grant recipients will only be reimbursed via Paypal. Direct payment to vet clinics is available via U.S. bank credit card. We do not cover currency exchange transaction or processing fees.


How to Apply for Surgery Assistance


1. Read this entire page first.

Please review all details, requirements, restrictions and instructions carefully to improve your chance of being selected!

Provision of any altered documentation or falsified information will be grounds for immediate dismissal of your application without notice.

2. Complete Your Application

3. Submit Supporting Documentation

You will need to upload…

Need Qualification:

PROGRAM ENROLLMENT: Provide Proof of Public Assistance Documentation of income from public assistance programs, such as Social Security Disability (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Additional qualified federal or state programs may include: WIC, welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, VA Disability Compensation.

NOTE: Neither Social Security Retirement Benefits nor Disability Insurance alone qualify as proof of need according to U.S. DHHS Poverty Guidelines.*

  • If providing Social Security (Retirement, Survivor, or Disability Insurance) Benefits as your sole source of need verification, you must also provide a copy of most recent tax return. If no tax return is available, please provide current Social Security Benefit Statement (SSA-1099).


INCOME VERIFICATION: Attach proof of current total annual household income (e.g.; IRS Form 1040A, Line 15) at or below 225% of federal or state poverty guidelines. Any W2 or 1099 statement(s) do not constitute verification of total income. See Table 1 below for details.*

When identifying Number of People in Household, only include self, spouse and dependent children. (Roommates, Significant Others, and Parents do not apply.) Total number of occupants must match that indicated on proof of need qualification.

Proof of income must be provided in the form of:

  • a) Your most recent income tax forms.
  • b) six months of pay stubs from your employer.
  • c) NOTE: Student loan statements alone will not suffice as income verification.
  • d) NOTE: When reporting any more than one individual in household, a copy of the most recent tax return clearly indicating number of dependents is required.

All documentation must show the same name and address as indicated on the vet clinic receipt for amputation surgery and grant application. We do not need your social security number. Please omit from all documents.


Veterinary Receipts/Estimates

  1. Attach a copy of final itemized estimate or receipt from veterinary clinic indicating date of surgery and all costs for amputation surgery.
  2. NOTE: The name and address of the Client (person) and Patient (pet) names listed on receipt must be the same as those indicated on the Tripawds ASAP Grant Application.

Do NOT submit any additional unnecessary documentation. Bloodwork results, discharge instructions, case summaries, receipts for any veterinary care prior to amputation, personal pleas for assistance or anything else not specifically requested above should not be included with your application.

NOTE: For assistance prior to surgery, payment will only be coordinated directly with veterinary clinic. For direct payment to clinic, please inform case manager prior to application and provide vet contact information when submitting documentation.


Identification Verification

  1. Attach a copy of your Photo ID (Drivers License, Passport, etc.)
  2. Name and address on ID must match that indicated on your application.
  3. Current photo of pet requiring surgery, or post-op photo.
  4. Provide short explanation of how grant will help you and your pet.
  5. Include minimum 250-word essay describing your pet’s need for surgery.

4. Share Your Story!

Grant applicants are required to submit a story (minimum word count 250) and photos about their pet’s diagnosis and/or leg amputation recovery. A brief description of the need for surgery and how the grant can help you, with a word count of 200-300 words will suffice. Your essay will not be judged for application purposes. If selected as a grant recipient, your story will be published in the Tripawds Foundation News blog. We’ll provide a link to your article which we encourage you to share to help spread the word about help paying for amputation surgery. Do not share news of  your grant award until directed to do so by the Tripawds Foundation

5. Await Notification

You will only be notified by email if your application is approved.

Please refer to the far right column in the table below for maximum qualifying total income levels to receive Tripawds ASAP funding. This U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Poverty Guidelines has more information.

*Maximum Income Qualifications

NOTE: Number of people in household indicated on application must match that on tax return when providing documented income as proof of need verification, OR proof of enrollment in state or federal entitlement program must be provided for all adult household occupants.

Canadian income requirements will be based on currently available LICO statistics for your area.

Tripawd Dog at VCA Clinic
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Tell a friend! Use the social media buttons below to share the news about this program, or consider a charitable contribution to support this and other Tripawds Foundation programs.

Support Tripawds to Keep This Fund Going!

Additional Veterinary Financial Assistance Programs

Please also see the following list of other veterinary financial aid programs.

Where to Find Help for Emergency Vet Bills

22 thoughts on “Get Help Paying for Limb Amputation Surgery with Tripawds ASAP”

  1. I know this space is aupppsed to be about pertinent questions to the grant, but I just want to say


    YO JERRY!!! I know I’ve said it a million times, but thank you for being born and thank you for choosing Jim and Rene as your humans! All three of you stayed the course and stayed true to your mission in spite of the challeneges!
    This site and all its accomplishments are such a testimony to your “true grit” and commitment to doing wherever it takes to reach out and help others.

    Thank you!!!!! THANK YOU!!!

    With love always!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  2. Hello!

    My name is Janelle and my dogs name is Zola. My dog just received a leg amputation surgery a week ago and i just stumbled upon the direct assistance program you offer for reimbursement of the 1st rehabilitation consultation visit. I had previously looked into physical therapy and the cost was far too much for me to afford and cannot believe that i happened to visit this site. Is this a program that continues to be offered? i want to make sure i am okay to submit this invoice when the time comes.

    Thank you for all that you do!

  3. What do I need to provide if on my taxes I have a family of 5 but we really have a family of 6? My ex husband get to claim 1 of our 2 kids together but I have full custody and they live with me full time.
    My 9 month old beagle is getting his back leg amputated tomorrow, just want to start getting paperwork together for next month.

    • Application requirements remain the same for all grant candidates – proof of income verification, or enrollment in state or federal entitlement program. If you have special extenuating circumstances, please provide any additional supporting documentation from the courts or other legal entities involved.

  4. I have a RuffWear Web Master Harness
    Size L/XL that was purchased in April but never used. I would like to send it to someone who has a need for this great harness. Sized for 90 lb female GSD.
    Item#30102-407LL1 (Blue Dusk color)
    Do you take donations like this?

  5. Good Afternoon

    I am reaching out to you today to inquire about the Tripawds Foundation- are you still accepting? How quick is the response time? What are your stipulations? What states do you accept?

    Please email me a back at:


    • Answers to all of your questions are provided in the program details and application guidelines above. Response time is very quick for all applications and email inquiries.

  6. I understand that your wonderful & extremely important foundation assists only feline & K9 fur-family members. Thank God above none of furspring need amp. surgery, my featherbaby, Angel poult, is my 50lb,BBW turkey tom & he, likely needs both legs amputated. One for sure.
    Im finding little to no resources available, that assist with avian vet care needs of any kind. I get that a large breed, adult turkey, is not commonly chosen as a companion or family pet, though he’s amazing as both. So, my dog happens to be a very large turkey, & not qualified to apply for “pet care” assistance. The mail carriers & delivery drivers, are all equally as anxious about Angel in my yard, as they are about most dogs. Maybe, a bit more, lol
    Any suggestions, ideas, referrals? Any chance turkeys could be included as qualified pets in need of surgery to avoid euthanasia?
    All aside, I do want to express gratitude for this program, all pet care assistance programs. LOVE TRULY CONQUERS!

    • Rachel, thank you for reaching out. We are sorry to hear about your turkey’s medical situation and are deeply sorry that we are unable to change our policy at this time. If you haven’t already, please check out these financial resources, there may be one that can help. Paws are crossed for your much loved companion!

  7. My name is Electa and my 8 month old puppy was hit by a truck and it shattered her leg and broke her feamer ball witch allows her leg to move we took her to the vet and letter they called and said that it would have to be amputated she’s a fighter

  8. My pup has an aggressive bone lesion (thought to be due to osteosarcoma but unable to confirm diagnosis with fine needle aspirate cytology) and needs her front left limb amputated to prevent a pathological fracture, alleviate pain, and remove major affected site if it turns out to be cancer. Does this funding cover surgeries scheduled in the future that could be disbursed upon completion of the surgery?

    Thank you,

    • Hi Jessica. We are sorry to hear about the diagnosis. Please join us in the Discussion Forums OK? Your story is one that’s familiar to many people in our community, we are here to help. As for the fund, it is a reimbursement program to help pay the bill after surgery. Please apply once it’s been done. Thanks!

  9. Hello,
    My dogs name is diamond. On 9/14 she was hit by a vehicle. Stabilized by her vet after many visits and X-rays it was determined to be nerve damage. She has been knuckling since the accident. She’s had acupuncture, lazor therapy, and been seen by a neurologist. Now she is chewing on her paw suggestions, recommendations or ideas on the reasoning for it?


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