Our boy Riley Gilmore Rubin—11 yr old Golden Retriever born 9/10/03—pretty much used up his pet-savings account last year. He’s been the healthiest boy ever until the unforeseen occurred. In April 2014 he had a seizure – a shock to both my husband Wayne & I.
It was determined he had a tumor on the front of his brain. So he underwent surgery for its removal. Pretty rapid recovery however he will always need to have daily anti-seizure drugs. A month after surgery, one of the medications he was on Prednisone, made him food CRAZY! He’s always been good about not getting in to things he’s not supposed to. I caught him eating something out in our work warehouse. I thought one of the guys left a chip-bag out and he was going to town. I went to see what it was and it was a box of D-Con!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! I raced him to the vet (less than 2 mins away) and they were able to do what they know to do best and saved his life.
When we took him back to the vet for follow-up to eating that poison a month later, we had noticed him limping on his back right leg. After x-rays it was highly noticeable cancer was having it’s way with his right-rear leg bone. Dang, it didn’t seem he was catching a break. So July 2nd 2014 we made the tough but right decision to have his leg removed at the hip.
His (animals in general) resilience is amazing to me! On his worst days, he never complained!!! Through Aug & Sept ’14 he endured 4 total chemo treatments (Thank goodness dogs don’t lose their hair from chemo). Since then, we’ve all learned to adapt to his new way of life. Sure, there’s things we aren’t able to do like before, but we make adjustments and find all the things we can do now! He’s my hero!!! I say …
He kicked cancer’s butt so hard, he gave up a leg!

Odd thing about some people, is that they ask how much all of this cost? I always answer, it cost just enough for our Riley “Red Dog” to still be here with us happy and healthy!
Riley’s oncology re-check was yesterday and he currently is in full remission at 6 months post-surgery. He is our Tripawd Hero 3 Times over!
(Photo was taken early December ’14 in Pacific Beach, WA with our grandson)
This srory just warms my heart!! Grinning ear to ear over here! Such a handsome boy too with gentleness written all over that happy mug of his!
Love your response about the “cost”…brilliant!!
Keep on keeping o n Riley! We are all cheering for you and your devoted family!!! Thanks for honoring your pup by helping this community!!!
Hugs to all!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!
Red-Dog – You are such a trooper! Way to kick cancer’s butt!
Love you to and your humans!
Wow!!!!!! Way to go Riley!!!!
Riley is my first of two grand-dogs. He is awesome, and I don’t use that word often or lightly. Love to all of you,
I had the great pleasure of meeting Riley and the Ruben family a year and a half ago. Riley was about as sweet and loving as a big beautiful golden retriever can be. I am so glad that Riley has such a blessed and loving family to take care of him. God bless our furry family member!
My wife and I know what it’s like to have our yellow Labrador Rosie go through traumatic cancer surgery and then chemo-therapy and bounce back like nothing ever happened.
Go Riley Go!
Thank you everyone for your kind and loving comments! I will do my best to update as he progresses in to a more comfortable senior puppy stage!
Riley is a beautiful dog. Dogs are so grateful for your care. Your love for him is evident and it looks like he is enjoying every minute of his gift of life. I wish him (and you) many more happy days.
Just wanted to share Riley Red Dog had his 9 month post amputation/chemo check-up and the doctors comments were “unremarkable”! Which is exactly what we want to hear! Stay tuned….
Thanks for the pawesome update!