Pofi became my Tripawd Hero on May 4, 2016, after a delayed diagnosis of malignant nerve sheath tumor (a type of STS).
The need to amputate was shocking, but we got over that as we understood the prognosis was usually so good and this cancer so slow growing and not typically aggressive or likely to metastasize. The reality of it being very large, very aggressive and already having local metastasis was soul crushing and the Tripawds community has helped us get through that and be more dog.
Pofi is so resilient and so strong – he is truly my Tripawd Hero.
POFI! I always light up when I see pictures of you! 🙂
What a great way to honor this very special Tripawd Hero! He us indeed strong and resilient, just like his humans!
Thank you for ALL your support to this community!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
Thanks, Sally and crew. We are happy to support this community as it has been so supportive to us!
Yo, Pofi! You are lookin’ every inch a Tripawd Hero there, and a hunky one at that 🙂 Love your ears dude! SO sexy 🙂
Codie Rae
Pofi sez, “Woof, Codi Rae! I luffs sassy girl dogs! Especially when they have such a great smile!”