Salem Bynx was only a tripawd for a short time, but the impact this community had on my life and his was monumental. I have made not only friends but family here and they helped me deal with everything, even the aftermath of Salem becoming an angel.
I love this community!
Salem Bynx’s Second Chance
Support Tripawds to Honor Your Angels & Heroes Here
Thank you Kendi for the donation. We have not forgotten your sweet boy. It doesn’t matter how long he was a Tripawd you are still part of the family.
Michelle & Angel Sassy
KENDI!!!! It’s wonderful ti hear from you….and….we get to see a picture of one of our favorite kitties!!
Ditto .Michelle! We think about you and Salem Binx so often….and always with love in our hearts! The relationship you two have is so very special and truly a furever unbreakable connection!
Are you still making…was it “onesies” or blankies? I can’t quite remember the unique specific things…I just remember they were wonderful and made with love!
Thanks for making this life affirming contribution in Salem’s honor. As .Michelle said, we are family. We are bonded by an experience that no one else coukd ever possibly understand. We understand the special bond you had with Salem Binx and the depth of your love for each other. We understand how special that extended time with Salem was…so many sacred treasured moments were created.
Sending lots of love always to all!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!