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For Sweet Tripawd Angel Darby

darbyI am so thankful for Tripawds. Darby and I’s journey was much shorter than it should have been. I found great support and comfort from the time of Darby’s osteosarcoma diagnosis to his untimely passing.

I felt so ready to help and be there for my boy with the support of this site. There was so much to know and prepare for and Tripawds was invaluable to our family. I think I listened to every podcast too. My life revolved around Tripawds. Although I had already found Tripawds on my own, Our oncologist recommended Tripawds as a source for info and support too! I will always consider Tripawds a part of my life and family. Thank you for all your support, helpful info and many kinds words. It means the world to me.


I took this picture the morning of Darby’s surgery. I wanted one last picture of him before his amputation and I figured the holidays were coming, let’s make it festive. He was always so sweet and willing to pose. Our family joked that you’d think he was in Zoolander.

The pain of losing Darby is still great and he will forever have a piece of my heart, he is my angel now.

~ Christina (aka darby17)


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3 thoughts on “For Sweet Tripawd Angel Darby”

  1. Oh Christina,
    I know your heart is broken, I wish I could reach over and hug you right now. Your Darby is a special soul, and his untimely passing was so very tragic. I have shared many tears with you even though we have never met. I wish I could take away your pain. For Darby life was wonderful with you, and now he feels no pain. He has earned his angel wings and will forever watch over his mama. That picture of him is so precious, he always looked so happy. My thoughts and prayers are with you, I think of you often. I too have lost a precious soul before her time, and even though I was with her when she crossed over I will miss her forever. She was my girl, and nobody will ever compare to her. I lost her way before her time to a disease that struck quickly and aggressively. So in that sense I do understand and share your pain. Don’t be surprised if your baby sends you signs to let you know he is still with you in spirit, and don’t be surprised if he doesn’t send somebody your way that will need you. When it happens, smile, and remember this note.
    Take care of yourself,

    • Thank you Jackie. Your words are like salve. I still feel like I am on a roller coaster, it comes in waves. Some days are better than others. Then all the sudden I stop sleeping again. I can’t shut my brain off, I think of my last days and last moments with Darby and then that horrible call and what he must have been going through. I sometimes feel overwhelmed with grief. Sometimes I can smile and be so grateful for God bringing us together and I know Darby will always be in my heart.
      I do feel a hole in my life. I know our little bulldog feels it too. When we get up in the morning, we find him in Darby’s bed. He lays around all the time, sometimes he just goes into the corner and lays there. He doesn’t play like he used to. I thought after loosing Darby that I would never get another dog again, I never want this pain again but I’m not sure now. I think I enjoy having a fur companion so much and I know our bulldog is lonely too. I don’t know when or if it will happen but the thought is there.
      I read the different forums for support and guidance and it feels good to know I am not alone.

  2. Bless your Darby..what a beautiful boy. I understand your pain at losing him with all my heart. They are such brave warriors our little tripawds and when they go it is truly awful. Like the stars without its moon. Sending you much love. Joanna xo


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