Many thanks to all the wonderful supporters who helped the Tripawds Foundation reach our 2018 fundraising goal! Thanks to you, we’re able to maintain assistance programs and keep the free Tripawds community online.
2019 Fund to Help Tripawds Everywhere!
With plans to help many more amputee pets and their people this year, Tripawds founders Jim and Rene have kicked off the 2019 Community Fund with a $5oo donation.
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That means it’s only the first week of January, and we are now already 2% of the way toward reaching our goal for the new year! We know it’s early, but by planning ahead and getting a good start on fundraising efforts, we can ensure that no further cuts are made to valuable assistance programs that help Tripawds and there people everywhere.
THANK YOU JIM AND RENE!!!! Such a great way to kick off the Foundation. 😎
You give sooooooo much of your life, your heart and Soul to each and every individual who reaches out for help. No matter what the circumstances, they can at least feel comforted and know that they are not alone on this journey.❤
I still marvel at how Jerry started this incredible journey for you, and then you three for all of us. Purpose and mission…yep….fulfilling yours, and we are all so grateful!
Love and light
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!