Twelve year old Tripawd Tripawd Boston Terrier Amos benefits from canine rehab therapy thanks to Tripawds Foundation Rehab Grant #167. The free consultation and at-home rehab exercises help Amos regain strength and stay strong to love life on three legs. Read his story, and learn how you can get a free veterinary rehab evaluation for your dog or cat.
Yes! Tri-kitties qualify for free feline rehab too. See all Tripawds who have received free rehab sessions thanks to your support.
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Meet Senior Tripawd Boston Terrier Amos
Greetings! Amos is a loving and loyal 12 year old Boston Terrier that we adopted from Senior Hearts Rescue and Renewal (SHRR) in October 2019.Prior to being rescued, he had not received the best veterinary care. His left eye is mostly blind, and we treat him daily for chronic dry eye. Amos did not let a blind-side keep him down. He let me know that he loved going on walks. I started posting pictures of our adventures to my Instagram page with a #amoswalks. I’m not an influencer by any means – my page is private – but my friends always enjoyed seeing his photographs. And I loved going on those adventures with him!
In February of this year, we noticed his right front leg was swollen. Our vet said if it was cancer, it didn’t behave like it; to keep an eye on it. Unfortunately – over the summer, the mass grew. He was diagnosed with soft cell carcinoma on August 21. The Dr. said amputation would be curative and was optimistic Amos would do well as a three legged dog. I was in denial. How could my dog, who so loved his walks, who was so much still himself have to undergo this very-scary-to-his-humans-surgery? So many thoughts swirled – would he suffer? Would his quality of life be damaged? Would he ever go on an Amos Walk again? We didn’t have much time to think, as the cancer grew aggressively. Amos became a Tripawd on September 11, 2023.
Ruff Recovery for Amos
The first few days were rough, and he developed an infection 5 days out that required some time at the pet hospital. I received so much help through the Amputee Dog Owners group on Facebook, both directly and through reading others posts. It was through them that I learned of the Tripawds organization. Your group helped prepare me for surgery, and beyond.

Amos’ Rehab Regimen
After Amos healed, I took him to Rebound Pet Rehabilitation for a consult. Lynne was amazing. She reassured me that I had been taking care of him well. She talked me through exercises, discussed possibly getting a cart for longer walks. She did a treatment on him to help with skin adhesion around the wound. And then she showed me a myriad of exercises to do at home.
I am so glad that we did the session: it was playtime and love for Amos, and reassurance and hope for me.
We do the following exercises 2 times a day:
- Sit to stand (5-10 reps) for rear leg strength/ROM
- Crawl (5-10 reps) for spinal mobility, ROM and to strengthen his legs
- Sphynx Lie, hold for count of 5-10 for Trunk strength, relieve pressure points
She also gave the optional ball pit activity – also for rear leg strength, range of motion. I ordered balls on amazon and repurposed an old cardboard box. This one is our favorite!! Amos snarfs around looking for treats as our 18 year old Chi patiently waits his turn in the box.

My vet didn’t prescribe rehabilitation after the surgery. I know from experience with foot surgery that your gait being off can throw off your whole body. I hope these exercises will help stave off arthritis and help him thrive with three legs. I have learned from this experience, that dogs ARE resilient. What seems scary to humans is not the same for them. We are getting back out there for Amos Walks and I hope that he can be a quiet inspiration to everyone he meets and to my friends who cheer him in the comments of our pictures!
~ Elizabeth & Amos
Also See: Free Rehab for Chester the Three Legged Boston