Thanks to the Tripawds Rescue Fund made possible by Karbach Brewing, we were able to reimburse Tripawds member kuzulamb04 for adopting another three legged cat in need. Read on for the story of Tripawd Rescue Hopper…
Have you recently rescued a three legged dog or cat? Get more information about the Tripawds Rescue Fund to see if you qualify.
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The Story of Ash, Now Hopper
When researching how to ensure the best care for our recently adopted cat, Hopper, I came across the Tripawds Foundation. Ross and I have been talking about adopting a cat for a while as I am a big animal rescue advocate. We thought about getting a disabled cat because I know those are ones that have a harder time getting adopted. I work with people with disabilities for a living, so that has had a warm place in my heart.
We approached a rescue group in DC, Humane Rescue Alliance, and didn’t even start out asking for cats with disabilities. Our first request was to see the lap male cats, and we would go from there. The first cat shown was Hopper – then Ash. He had a cone covering his head, and his fur was shaved from his recent amputation surgery and neutering. The cats there weren’t allowed to walk around on the floor, so he was smushing his head with his cone into us, and his purring was audible. We melted.
We went to the front desk to learn about his story. It turned out Ash was a surrender – his previous owners brought him to the shelter when his leg was severely broken, probably hit by a car. He was an indoor/outdoor cat. They couldn’t afford the medical bills, so Humane Rescue Alliance fixed him up. We saw one other cat, but really our decision was solved when we saw him.
Seeing Hopper’s past made me even more certain he will live a happy, healthy life as an indoor cat. We have a great window he can look through at home, and even discovered “Cat TV!” It’s not the same as the real out doors, but we don’t want him to have to go through anything like the pain he experienced.
To others thinking of adopting “Tripawds“, I would encourage them to really spend time to get to know the cat. They are still playful, loving, and don’t let their disability stop them. Hopper sleeps and snuggles with us every night, and stays at my legs waiting for food. All of the same characteristics that have been with previous 4 legged cats I’ve grown up with in the past.
We are so glad Hopper has entered into our lives and are looking for more many more adventures!
Thanks so much!
~Emily (aka: kuzulamb04)
I can see whynHopper melted yiur hearts right iff the bat! 🙂 Love the photos! A ahole lotta LOVE surrounding Hopper!
Thanks for sharing the story if this special kitty. And thanmks for taking him into yiur heart and your home
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!