Tripawds sponsporship opportunities are another way to make a big impact for helping three legged pets and their people everywhere. Throughout the year we frequently promote fundraising from individuals to help keep the many Tripawds resources online and free. Tripawds sponsors can help ensure assistance programs continue for families in need facing amputation for their beloved dogs and cats.
If your business or employer participates in charitable giving, please consider these Tripawds Foundation sponsorship programs. If you have the personal means, what better way to honor your three-legged heroes and angels?
Support the Tripawds Foundation to maintain helpful assistance programs and promote your message to passionate pet parents by making a charitable contribution specifically dedicated to your chosen program.
Tripawds sponsorships are available for various budget levels. Ensure the Tripawds Helpline remains available 24/7 for concerned pet parents to speak with someone who understands. Fund six ASAP grants to help pay for amputation surgery expenses. Provide free pet rehab for three legged dogs and cats by sponsoring the Maggie Moo Fund for Tripawd Rehab. Or, design your own custom sponsorship program to ensure your donation is spent as desired.
Contact Tripawds with any questions, or select your preferred program below for more information about the benefits of Tripawds sponsorship opportunities.