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Why Tripawds Planned Giving in Your Will or Trust?

Many people have asked for it. Today we are hoppy to announce the Tripawds Foundation Planned Giving option for donations to the community. Here’s how to create your own loving legacy.

What is Tripawds Planned Giving?

We all know that it’s not easy to set up a will or revocable living trust for your estate. But you know what is easy? Naming Tripawds Foundation as a beneficiary in those plans!

Making a planned giving bequest is not complicated. This simply means that you want a charity like Tripawds Foundation to receive a gift from your estate when you pass on. The most common ways people do it are by:

Option 1: Make a Specific Gift

If you want to leave a specific amount of money from a specific source or a particular item that belongs to you, this is the type of bequest you would use.

In your will or trust, you spell out the kind of gift you are making, and which resource of yours the gift is coming from. For example, a Tripawd donor can say:

I give, devise and bequeath ____% of my estate (or specific assets) for the benefit of TRIPAWDS FOUNDATION, 240 Rainbow Dr. #14065, Livingston TX 77399, FEIN 46-4636797, to be used for its general purposes.

Option 2: Give a Residuary Gift

A residuary gift is made when Tripawds Foundation to receive the remainder of your estate funds, once all taxes, bills, bequests and expenses are paid. Here’s what it looks like:

All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, I give to TRIPAWDS FOUNDATION, 240 Rainbow Dr. #14065, Livingston TX 77399, FEIN 46-4636797, for its general purposes.

Option 3: Grant a Contingent Gift

A contingent gift bequest happens only if certain conditions are met. These conditions get spelled out by you and put into your will or trust. One example of a contingent gift is when a primary beneficiary doesn’t survive you. Tripawds Foundation is then named as your beneficiary backup. Here’s what that looks like:

If [beneficiary name] does not survive me, I devise and bequeath my residuary estate to TRIPAWDS FOUNDATION, 240 Rainbow Dr. #14065, Livingston TX 77399, FEIN 46-4636797, for its general purposes.

Option 4: Set up a Restricted Bequest

This type of estate bequest allows you to designate how your gift to the Tripawds Foundation will be used. Do you want your assets to go to a specific purpose, such as the Amputation Surgery Assistance Program, Tripawds Rescue Fund?

If so, sample language can vary greatly depending on the bequest. Please consult with your advisor.

What Can You Give to Tripawds Foundation from a Will or Trust?

Tripawds Foundation planned giving
Tripawds Chief Fun Officer Jerry, circa 2008

We graciously accept cash disbursements from wills and trusts, IRAs, and life insurance policies. A this time we cannot accept gifts of real estate, automobiles, art, or jewelry.

Remember, Tripawds Foundation Planned Giving is easy to do. Should you change your plans, it’s just as easy to modify your estate documents accordingly. It’s easy to revoke if your circumstances change.

We hope you will consider Tripawds planned giving in your will or revocable living trust. If you already did, thank you very much! Please let us know. Tell us if you would like us to publicly acknowledge how you are helping Tripawds everywhere.

Learn more about the Tripawds Planned Giving Program

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