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Tripawd Lab Finley is a Fighter

Tripawd Lab Finley and his people received Tripawds Foundation Rehab Grant #126. More than $25000 has now been granted from the Maggie Moo Fund for Tripawd Rehab! Finley will benefit from his free canine rehab evaluation. The prescribed exercises will help this three legged Yellow Lab stay fit and strong. Read his story, and learn how you can get a free veterinary rehab evaluation for your dog or cat.maggie moo fund for tripawd rehabYes! Tri-kitties qualify for free feline rehab too. See all Tripawds who have received free rehab sessions thanks to your support.

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Meet Tripawd Lab Finley

Hello Tripawds Community! Please meet Finley! My sweet boy is an eight year old yellow Labrador who has had quite the journey this past year. Finley started limping which I thought was an initial injury from jumping on the bed. After rest, steroids, and pain meds, Fin wasn’t getting any better. Needless to say, I became concerned; I thought maybe CCL tear. After a couple different vets, I finally took him to a specialist where they conducted a biopsy.

My worst nightmare came true…CANCER!!!! Not only was it cancer, but it was one of the most aggressive types; hemangiosarcoma, which is cancer of the blood vessels. Finley’s is a rare case in that his presented in the tibia bone. Typically, this cancer affects the spleen, heart, lungs, etc. Our only option was to amputate his rear leg in order to prevent the cancer from spreading. The prognosis even with chemo and amputation is 12 months. After five rounds of IV chemo, at home oral chemo, and lots of LOVE, Finley is 10+ months in and still fighting!!!

tripawd lab
Cold Laser Therapy for Tripawd Lab Finley

Free Canine Rehab For Finley

Finley’s journey doesn’t stop there. He handled the amputation like a champ…almost a little too well actually; he ended up tearing his CCL and meniscus around Memorial Day 10 months after his amputation. We’re one month post-op from TPLO surgery and doing well! He is currently in rehab getting laser, underwater treadmill, acupuncture, and therapeutic exercise sessions. The Dr. recommends that Tripawd Lab Finley has 20 sessions to help him get strong and stay fit.

vet acupuncture
Finley Finds Relief with Acupuncture

Finley was given many exercises to do at home. Cavaletti rails ( 5 reps 2x/week), Figure of 8 (3-5 reps every other day), weight shifting (5-10 reps every other day), circle walking ( reps 2x/week), slow hill incline (5 reps 2x/week), slow hill descent (5 reps 2x week). These are all to help with mobility, strength, balance, endurance, and gait.

I’ve learned so much watching Finley fight! He’s taught me what it means to be resilient. He loves going to rehab and he’s fallen in love with the therapists (no doubt they’ve fallen in love with him). He receives treatment at Countryside Veterinarian Center in Countryside, IL. Dr. Maddox and staff are wonderful, and I highly recommend! The link is

I want to thank our Tripawd friend, Libby, and his mom Elizabeth for pointing me to the Tripawds Foundation. Tripawd Lab Finley’s story is dedicated to sweet Libby.

~Finley’s Mom, Angie 

How to Find a Rehab Therapy for Tripawd Dogs and Cats

At Home Rear Limb Tripawd Rehab Program

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