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Free Rehab for Front Leg Tripawd Lab Bentley

Front leg Tripawd Lab Bentley benefits from canine rehab evaluation thanks to Tripawds Foundation Rehab Grant #155. His free consultation and at-home rehab exercises help Bentley stay strong and fit. Read his story, and learn how you can get a free veterinary rehab evaluation for your dog or cat.

maggie moo fund for tripawd rehab

Yes! Tri-kitties qualify for free feline rehab too. See all Tripawds who have received free rehab sessions thanks to your support.

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Our front leg Tripawd Lab is named Bentley, and he is a 7 year old English yellow lab. He was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in his front left limb. He has had his front leg amputated and we have gotten through 2 rounds of carboplatin so far. We have had Bentley since he was a puppy and he is the pride and joy of our household. 

front leg tripawd lab

Below is our detailed therapy plan that we have for front leg Tripawd Bentley. He really enjoys his back and rear leg massages since he tends to get tight due to compensating for his lost limb.

at home canine rehab

Front Leg Tripawd Lab Rehab Therapy Program

  • Carpal Extension PROM
    • Sets: 2
    • Reps: 5
    • Frequency: 2x/day
  • Carpal Flexion PROM
    • Sets: 2
    • Reps: 5
    • Frequency: 2x/day 
  • Petrissage TL
    • Sets: 1
    • Hold: 5 minutes 
    • Frequency 1-2x/day
  • Circle Massage Neck
    • Sets: 1
    • Hold: 5 minutes 
    • Frequency: 1-2x/day
  • Circle Massage Mid Back
    • Sets: 1
    • Hold: 5 minutes
    • Frequency: 2x/day
  • Circle Massage Low Back
    • Sets: 1
    • Hold: 1-2 minutes
    • Frequency: 2x/day
  • SB to Hp – Floor
    • Sets: 1
    • Reps: 3
    • Hold: 3 seconds
    • Frequency: 1-2x/day
  • Sit-to-stand – Floor
    • Sets: 1
    • Reps: 3
    • Frequency: 1-2x/day

Rehab Continues for Bentley

After our initial consultation, we continued to see physical therapy for a couple more successions. We felt like it would be good for his transition to being a front leg Tripawd Lab and for us to learn more exercises to help him with. We feel that the more we know and have in our knowledge toolbox, the better off we will be to take care of our front leg Tripawd Lab. The therapy program list above has been tailored by our veterinary for Bentley’s needs. 


What We Learned from Canine Rehab

The biggest thing we have learned from this journey is how resilient our dog can be. After the initial diagnosis of a bone tumor, we thought it would have been selfish to amputate our dog’s leg. After learning about the tripawd community and reading “Three Legs and a Spare”, we decided amputation was our best route. After coming out the other side of recovery and adjustment, it was 100% worth it! Bentley is back to his normal self and probably doing better than he was a few months prior to diagnosis. 

We heard about the Tripawds Foundation from a Youtube video by Dr. Sue Cancer Vet. After watching a few of her videos, we joined the Tripawds community

Our Therapist: Dr. Kristi Wubben 

Rehab Clinic: Mountain View Veterinary Hospital

~ Derek and Bently (aka: derek)

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How to Find a Rehab Therapy for Tripawd Dogs and Cats

At Home Front Limb Tripawd Rehab Program

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