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Pittie Tripawd Boondocks Benefits from Free Rehab

Pittie Tripawd Boondocks benefits from free canine rehab evaluation and at-home therapy thanks to Tripawds Foundation Rehab Grant #189. The consultation, and rehab exercises help Boon stay strong and love life on three legs. Read his story, and learn how you can get a free veterinary rehab evaluation for your dog or cat.

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Yes! Tri-kitties qualify for free feline rehab too. See all Tripawds who have received free rehab sessions thanks to your support.

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My name is Meghann and I have an 8-year old, Pittie tripawd named Boondocks. He’s a cuddlebug who loves belly rubs and lounging in the sunshine. I adopted Boon in December 2016 from Contra Costa Animal Services in Martinez, CA. He was one year old and just had his front right leg amputated at the shelter, where he had arrived with his leg in bad condition.

Earlier this year something happened to Boon’s front leg while he was out back and he could no longer walk or put weight on it. His regular vet x-rayed his front arm and shoulder, worried that he broke a bone or had aggressive arthritis. No fractures and only a slight bit of inflammation, so likely a soft-tissue injury.

Boondocks got better over the next few weeks thanks to anti-inflammatories, but he was still limping and apprehensive about stairs. After considering a prosthetic, speaking with my vet, and poking around (which I stumbled upon when researching prosthetics for dogs), I decided Boon should try pet rehab.

Last month I took Boondocks to a rehabilitation consultation appointment with Dr. Masami Seplow, DVM, CCRP at Sierra Ranch Pet Rehab in Roseville, CA. She gave him a check-up, saw no signs of pain and felt his musculature and range of motion were normal. Because Boon was limping, Dr. Seplow also thought it was a soft-tissue injury. At her suggestion, I scheduled Boon for five rehab sessions, started him on joint supplements, and also bought him a carpal brace for support.

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Boon in Doggles for laser therapy.

Boondocks’ sessions start out with laser therapy in the pet rehab facility where Boon dons his handsome “doggles” while Madison, Rehab Tech extraordinaire, shoots a laser at Boon’s front leg joints. This helps with inflammation Boon has from arthritis or the soft-tissue injury. Next, Boon does step ups where he stands with his front leg and back legs on different levels, alternating which half of his body is on higher ground. This helps Boon gain strength and balance for tackling those scary deck stairs. We do this at home twice daily. After that, Hannah, the other spectacular Rehab Tech, has Boondocks walk on mulch, which also helps Boon’s balance and is another activity we do at home for 10 minutes daily.

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Boon doing step-ups for balance and strength.

Lastly, Boon gets strapped into the hydro tank. Once filled with water, Hannah turns it on and Boondocks gets to walking. At first he didn’t quite get it and lifted his legs up to swim. With some kind direction from Hannah, Boon was walking along soon enough. His giant head had to be held up out of the water, but by the second session Boon was doing it on his own.

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Boon getting help keeping his head up while walking in the hydrotherapy tank.

I never knew pet rehab existed. Now Boondocks’ limp is almost gone and he has renewed confidence about descending stairs. I’m looking forward to what the next few rehab sessions will bring. Through it all Boondocks has remained his happy, loving self. Hopefully pet rehab can get him back to the quality of life he deserves.

~ Meghann and Boondocks

How to Find a Rehab Therapy for Tripawd Dogs and Cats

At Home Front Limb Tripawd Rehab Program

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