What a wonderful way to start the new year. Team Nelson donated generously to our 2020 Tripawds Community Fund, and now they’re going to keep on giving to Tripawds Foundation with a recurring donation subscription!
This monthly gift is from Nelson’s grandma, Maggie (aka @mags5a), who writes:
Our SuperPaw Hero, Nelson
Nelson’s Grammy is a Tripawds Supporter!
On behalf of Nelson, our supaw – hero, hoping it will help any other Tripawds following after him!
From Maggie, Pete, Poppy (our 7 yr old rescue min-schnau) and Dinah (our 18 yr old cat!)
You too can Help Tripawds Everywhere with a monthly recurring donation of any amount!
Subscribe for Recurring Contributions
Use the “Subscribe” button to create a recurring donation of any amount to the Tripawds Community Fund with an auto-renewing monthly subscription. Or, make on-time donations here.