Tripawds ASAP grant #3 helps pay for Jazmine’s amputation surgery. Read on for her story, and learn more about the Tripawds Amputation Surgery Assistance Program.
This grant is made possible by the charitable contributions of Greyhounds Rock Fredericksburg and Tripawds fans like you. Thank you for your support!
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Jazmine’s Life Changing Story
Our miss Jazmine Alexander came into our life officially on July 16 2016. She was a female runt in a litter of 8 and she was the only lil pup I wanted. I was getting her for n husband who is going deaf and going thru a hard time emotionally. On my husband’s birthday we worked (on a sat) that day until 320pm. We traveled home and got the call to come pick up our fur baby in a nearby town. I was not feeling the greatest and stayed home. My husband reluctant to leave me, begrudgingly and clueless to where he was going set out with help of a neighbor who knew the town well and how to get there. About 30 mins later he calls me ” she’s sooooo beautiful babe, I’m so sorry I didn’t want to make this drive!! Thank you, she’s so sweet!!
He brought miss Jazz home and we both just fell in love. She has had so many toys, treats, and clothes you’d think she was an actual human child. Thing is she is our baby, our fur baby. She was just starting to be really good at jumping high to get her rope, loved charging up trees attempting to follow my husband when he climbed them. She I a beautiful, spunky, vocal girl that’s for sure!! Tragically our lives would have a not so nice turn of events. It was a Sunday and we had just gotten back from taking my daughter to try on a prom dress. We pulled up at home, my daughter went upstairs and my husband and I stayed in the car talking about our kids and how fast they grow.
We were about to go inside when we realized we needed gas for the morning, so we left without realizing Shelby was letting the dogs out to potty. We were literally gone 5 mins only went two blocks down the road and when we pulled into our drive way we noticed Jaz sitting on the side of our building and a few of our neighbors standing over her, she was whining and trying to walk but kept falling over. Ted jumped out of the car and as soon as he got to her she let out a wail that could pierce your heart. The neighbors said she’d just been hit by a car and Ted scooped her up and we jumped into our car and drove 90mph all the way to town.
We took her to the only place who would care for her without money upfront, we thought anyways. So we get her there and they take jaz in and we have to leave. Several hours later and what seems like tons of calls for help the vet calls, we can come see what the verdict is. Nervously we walk in, Jaz is sedated on the table but still wags her tail and trays to get up when she hears Ted’s voice. Xrays showed a major break in her femur and at this point a dislocated hip, until a few more hours when the doctor tried putting the hip back in. More bad news, a piece of her hip bone snapped off inside the hip socket and was still attached to the tendon. So now there was the total hip replacement on top of a bad break.
She gave her advice and sent us home to think and research our options. We talked too many organizations, all had the same advise, but Tripawds was different. The woman who helped us was wonderful, she is definitely who helped us make the decision to amputate.
That was the most difficult part of this, the stressful part is that we have to come up with lots of money for the vet bill. We work and budget well, however with the events that have taken place we’ve fallen behind financially. This has been a total learning experience! A few set backs with fluid build up but Jasmine is getting around better daily. Returning to her happy crazy self!!!

We’re so blessed to have her here, three legged and all! She’s a big part of our life and I know that if we would’ve lost her it would’ve been life changing!
—Amy, Jazmine’s Mom (aka: jazzysmanpa2017)
Oh gosh! What a story! A story that has now turned into a very heartwarming story of love, determination and never giving up!
Sooooo happy to hear how well sweet Jasmine is doing! She’s a beautiful girl. I @ove her coloring and her markings….very, very pretty girl.
We all look forward to hearing more about Jasmine WITH pictures of her adoravle self!!
So glad the community has been able to help you and Jasmine and hubby!
Love and hugs!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
Jazmine!! Are you wearing your graduation outfit? So cute. I see that you are spoiled and obviously so well loved. You may have lost a leg but I’m sure you still have lots of spunk. I’m glad Tripawds could help you out.
Kerren and Tripawd Kitty Mona