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Free Canine Rehab Session for Tyson

Tripawds Community member circuskat is recipient #72 of the Maggie Moo Fund for Tripawd Rehab. Read on for details about the benefits of free canine rehabilitation session for Tyson, and learn how you can get a free canine rehab evaluation for your dog or cat.

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Tyson’s Canine Rehab Story

Through the years I have worked with different organizations trying to help where I can and in 2015 was told about a special needs youngster, approx a year old, brindle pitbull that was at the Animal Welfare League in Chicago Ridge. He was just coming off a full limb amputation, scars everywhere, very timid and very weak. He had survived brutal abuse. He was used as bait, shot when he didn’t die and then thrown in the garbage. Finally he was brought to the shelter by an individual. The only hope to save him was the amputation and now he needed somebody more then ever, he hopped into my arms and collapsed. We never looked back.

He learned how it felt to be loved and to be part of our pack. He ran like the wind and played like he didn’t even miss the leg but now as he just turned 6 has been experiencing pain and lack of mobility with that remaining front leg. He has put on too much weight, my fault, has been on a diet for 2 months but I’m afraid he is in pain and might lose his ability to walk altogether.

In researching for a solution, thinking a brace, wheelchair or even prosthetic could help I found Tripawds Foundation. I really needed input, info and advice! The very first thing I was referred to registered Canine Rehab Specialists in my area to get an assessment before going any further. One of them was Dr. Christopher Keely from Southlane Veterinary Hospital in Valparaiso.


I happened to know and trust him as he saved one of my dogs many years ago. Tyson had his assessment on Friday, poor boy was so nervous but Dr. Keely was very gentle, very thorough, examined him completely, joints, tendons, muscles, spine, leg, shoulders, range of motion etc. His diagnosis from the canine rehab session is encouraging. His pain level is bad right now, the inflammation in his elbow and carpal is bad so first step is to ease his pain. He has pain meds and non steroidal anti inflammatory and Hylauronic acid. In 2 weeks he will be x-rayed to see exactly the depth of arthritis he might have, his diet has been tightened up, weight loss is essential, at the same visit he will start Piezo wave Therapy, radial pulse wave therapy and then move into swim therapy and a visit with the Chiropractor.

Dr. Keely is very optimistic that if the care plan is followed by summer he will have such a huge difference in his quality of life there will not be a need for any prosthetics, yes he might always need an anti inflammatory but his progress will determine that. I am so thankful for Tripawd Foundation and the Tripawds community, you have been such a wonderful source of information, guidance, support and friendship. Thank you for making a difference in my boys’ life!


I tried to get pictures during his visit but at a certain point I had to help so these were the best, the last one you can see he is exhausted and just wants his mom.

Thank you so much,

~ Lana W. (aka: circuskat)

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2 thoughts on “Free Canine Rehab Session for Tyson”

  1. Thank you for sharing! I am trying to find something for my just 8 yr old American Bulldog in a similar situation. The weight is such a problem but all diet foods contain chicken and she breaks out in itching, rashes and open sore welts after eating food with chicken:( Her front leg pain gets so bad at times I have to medicate her and she stays in one place except to go potty like once a day for two to three days. She is very nervous since the car accident we were in together that caused the amputation so she has seen a few specialist but none with answers except medications…. Any resources you could share on reduced calorie food I would be most grateful for a place to try to get the weight off as I know that is a key issue. Thank you so much and God bless you for saving that sweet baby!


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