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The Biggest Triday 2022 Celebration, Ever!

Did you catch the 3/3 Triday 2022 celebration yesterday? What an event! Tripawds from around the globe shared their stories and Tripawd Pride to show the world that it’s better to hop on three than to limp on four!

(Penny’s Mom over on Instagram volunteered to make this fun collage if Tripawds sent her their pics. Thank you so much!)

And here’s a feature-length video we made to spotlight the hundreds of Tripawd parents who sent and shared photos of their heroes. We sincerely apologize if we missed anyone. So many stories got shared, keeping track was tricky!

Thank You Triday 2022 Tripawds Foundation Donors

We want to start by thanking everyone who donated yesterday, that we actually know about. Facebook and Instagram donations also came in, but their systems don’t tell you who donated. So whoever you are out there in social media land, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We had several folks who donated through the Tripawds Foundation website. You know who you are. Thank you so much!

Tripawd Awareness Spreads Around the Globe

Triday on March 3 (3/3, get it?!) has always been a fun way to spotlight our amazing three-legged dogs and cats. But this year we went all out. Admin Guy started by creating the Tripawd Awareness Day website. It kicked off the most wonderful Triday ever!

On Triday, we saw what MUTTS Comics‘ creator Patrick McDonnell generously created for us. He drew this beautiful Triday celebration picture we will treasure forever! MUTTs spread the word even further, by sharing Tripawds Foundation and this incredible community with their followers.

Dozens of Tripawds everywhere posed next to their “My Tri is ……” meme, like Nora who celebrated in New York City. 

Tripawd Awareness Day Story
Nora celebrates Triday!

Calpurnia’s Mom wrote a beautiful Tripawd Awareness Day tribute for Tripawds News

Tripawd Awareness Day Story by TC Wait


Team WAG’s Sandy Moses, also celebrated in honor of Wrigley. She started a Pampered Chef Fundraiser just for Triday! You can still shop for awesome cooking gear, and a portion of proceeds benefits Tripawds Foundation!

Tripawds Fundraiser
Shop through March 10!

Team WAG’s Amy Moses also helped out. She let the media know it was happening. Amy scored us a placement in Just Labs Magazine and the UK publication Dogs Monthly!

On 3/3, the world heard the collective shout out of Tripawds everywhere. It was AMAZING! We had the most Tripawd Awareness messages on a single day in our history. 


Let’s Make Triday 2023 Even Better, Together

We’ll be honest with you. Triday 2022 wasn’t without hiccups.

Getting media attention ahead of time was exceptionally difficult. And, then there was the social media debacle. Our Tripawds Community Instagram account got shut down at 12 pacific time. Why? Because we re-posted other accounts’ #Triday posts one too many times on Instagram and Facebook! We literally could not share anyone else’s Triday posts, which is how we always got the word out before. It was disappointing and sad that we had to end so soon.

If we want 2023 to be even better, we need your help. Let’s re-think how to do a Tripawd Awareness Day celebration. We want everyone’s story to get shared. Triday has gotten so popular around the world, which has always been our goal. It’s wonderful! But, it will take a committee to coordinate next year. Please contact us if you can make that dream come true!

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