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Tripawds Volunteers Make a Difference (Again!)

Tripawds volunteers are always needed for different projects to help us get the word out. Calling veterinary clinics to send Tripawds Outreach Brochures is one way. Volunteers are also needed to attend events like Meet the Rescues! And veterinary conferences are another way to help. One member did just that recently, in Seattle.

Angel Whidbey’s Mom Represents Tripawds at Compassion in Action Conference

Tripawd Angel Whidbey in Seattle
Angel Whidbey, always in our hearts

On June 11, Angel Whidbey’s Mom Char generously spent her Saturday attending a veterinary conference in Seattle. The Compassion in Action Conference was created by Dr. Rizzo. She’s one of our favorite oncology vets! Rizzo is the founder of Hope Veterinary Oncology, a mobile service covering the greater Seattle area. 

Dr. Rizzo’s event brought together about 70 veterinarians to share ideas and information. We couldn’t attend ourselves. But we were so happy that Char reached out to us after seeing our call-out for Tripawds volunteers. Even after telling her she would need to get to the event by 7 am, she was undeterred! We sent her the Tripawds Foundation display, some Outreach brochures, and talking points. Char quickly got up to speed about how the foundation helps Tripawds. Here’s what she said about the conference.

Thank you for trusting me with the responsibility to represent Tripawds at the conference!

Tripawds volunteers
Dr. Rizzo and Char

I was the first one there and Dr Rizzo let me pick a table 🙂 Even though it was 6.30am, my brain was able to do a bit of thinking so I picked the table next to where the beverages were placed so it would be easy to stop by. All the vendor tables were inside the conference room along the walls. I was expecting us to be outside, and so was the lady from FidoCure sitting next to me, so being able to listen in was a pleasant surprise!

There were ~65-70 attendees, vets, techs and other staff from general practice. Quite a few spotted the banner and came up to the table to chat, grab pieces of information and the cute pins during the breaks. It was surprising to me that they weren’t familiar with the organization so I enjoyed sharing information about the different types of support offered, as well as my own experience.

I brought a picture of Whidbey and put by the second chair at the table as my sidekick and to make it a bit more personal.

Tripawds volunteers
We sent everything to Char to help get the word out.

I have no medical education, other than what I have learned over the last 4 years with Whidbey so some of the topics I had trouble following, but there was also a number of topics that were very interesting.

Hearing Dr Rizzo’s story about her practice and newer treatments outside of traditional chemo and radiation was one, immunotherapy another (after participating in the Listeria Osteosarcoma clinical trial). My favorite was that she had arranged for a speaker to come in and talk about workplace well-being. I have read so much about the high suicide rate in the profession and what they do must be very, very hard so it really impressed me that she thought about that too!

If there are other events or activities in the Pacific Northwest, feel free to reach out. I am happy to help spread the word that way now that Whidbey isn’t around to start conversations with strangers curious about 3 legged dogs.”

Want to Help Tripawds Foundation Get the Word Out?

The Tripawds Foundation board of directors can’t be everywhere at once. Enthusiastic Tripawds volunteers are essential. They help us further our mission to support pet parents facing amputation for their dog or cat. We always need help sharing the news about our many programs and community support.

Contact us today if you want to help at a conference, event, or by working behind the scenes. YOU can make a difference for Tripawds everywhere.

Learn more about Dr. Rizzo’s Fear Free Veterinary Care on Tripawd Talk Radio!

fear free cancer care for Tripawds


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