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Free Rehab for Pitt Mix Tripawd Eno

Pitt Mix Tripawd Eno benefits from free canine rehab evaluation thanks to Tripawds Foundation Rehab Grant #140. The free consultation and at-home rehab exercises help Eno stay fit and strong. Read his story, and learn how you can get a free veterinary rehab evaluation for your dog or cat.maggie moo fund for tripawd rehabYes! Tri-kitties qualify for free feline rehab too. See all Tripawds who have received free rehab sessions thanks to your support.

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Meet Pitt Mix Tripawd Eno

My best friend Eno is a 10-year-old 75-pound Pitt mix Tripawd who I’ve had since he and his sister were about 2 months old. After being in excellent health his entire life he started limping intermittently over the summer of 2022. I thought he may have pulled a muscle but after a devastating visit to the vet, he was diagnosed with possible Osteosarcoma and referred for a front limb amputation. It was a really difficult decision for us, as he has always been a very active boy, and he’s also very tall and lanky so we worried about how he would adjust. After a lot of thought and research, we decided to go forward with the amputation on October 10th 2022.

Pitt Mix Tripawd Eno
Gentle balance shifting helps build core strength.

Up until his surgery, Eno was still putting weight on his affected limb, so our surgeon advised that he may have a harder time getting used to being on 3 legs compared to dogs who have not been using the affected limb for a while due to pain. His first two weeks of recovery were difficult and he had a hard time finding his coordination and figuring out how to use his back legs to compensate for the missing limb.

Pitt Mix Tripawd Eno
Sit to stand exercises for Pitt mix Tripawd Eno.

Eno’s Road to Recovery

During his 3rd week of recovery, we took him for an evaluation at CARE (California Animal Rehabilitation) and were blown away by the kindness and attention he received from the doctors and practitioners there (CARE IS in their name after all!). They did an extensive evaluation of his range of motion, gait, and tightness/tenderness of his muscles. They also did a short round of acupuncture at the end of the appointment. The doctor diagnosed his back left leg as having some extra soreness and lameness, which is most likely why he still feels a little unbalanced on his feet. They feel optimistic that they will be able to help him gain confidence and mobility through physical therapy and underwater treadmill exercises over the course of a few weeks and months.

They gave us detailed instructions for strengthening exercises and massages for us to do at home daily. Pitt mix Tripawd Eno really seems to enjoy these. These exercises include lateral weight shifts, sit-to-stand repetitions, and pectoral, neck, back, and hamstring massages. I am so grateful to have access to this care for my sweet angel and am hopeful that it can continue to improve his quality of life for however long we have left with him. He deserves it and so much more and I can never repay him for the love and companionship that he’s given me for the last decade.

Thank you so much for offering this reimbursement service, I would have never thought to take him to physical therapy before coming across your website and this program.

~ Emily & Eno (aka etong)

How to Find a Rehab Therapy for Tripawd Dogs and Cats

At Home Front Limb Tripawd Rehab Program

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