Ten years ago this month, Michelle joined the Tripawds Nation. Her beloved Sassy was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, and her mom not only found support and information here, but made friends for life with other members going through the same scary time with their dogs.
Michelle is an incredibly kind and thoughtful friend of this community who has generously supported and given back to Tripawds in so many ways, including this pawliday season’s donation in memory of her beloved angel dogs, Bosch, Sassy, Snickers, and Simba.
In memory of my babies : Bosch, Sassy, Snickers, and Simba

From Tripawds everywhere and this community, thank you Michelle!
So kind of you Michelle♥️
When Hapoy Hannah and I first start3d thismjourney, Michelle and Sassy were always there to support us. It is such a privilege to get to know her and to kmow all her beloved Rotties.
Yes, always in our hearts💖